Thursday, September 13, 2007

Nude Web Pics Dog Albion Mayor

A night after admitting to DWAI, Albion's mayor is now dealing with what he calls a personal attack.

It comes in the guise of nude pictures.

Mayor Michael Hadick was back to work Wednesday running a village board meeting. After conducting village business, he spoke out for the first time about his conviction and pictures posted on a local Website that claim to show Hadick naked.

It all comes as Hadick deals with calls from some residents for his resignation.

“No resignation whatsoever will happen,” said Michael Hadick, Albion's mayor.

Hadick told the village board and a large group of residents Wednesday that he wasn’t going anywhere. In June the mayor was charged with DWI. Tuesday, he accepted responsibility for a lesser DWAI charge.

“The case was closed last night and I pleaded guilty to DWAI. I’m moving forward and taking the punishment the court handed to me,” Hadick said.

On the same day he pleaded guilty Web pictures surfaced. The publisher claimed they are naked pictures of the mayor. Hadick says they were doctored and were likely taken before he was elected.

“So don’t believe everything you read, come see me, come talk to me anytime you like, I’m always here,” said Hadick.

Some residents say enough is enough.

“I ... suggest that you resign,” Albion resident Larry Harvey said as he read from a hand-written letter. “In my eyes, you are not qualified to run the business of mayor. Your lack of integrity and moral character has a lot to be desired.”

“We elected him and I think he needs to step down and listen to the people who put him in because I think we’re tired of it,” said Annette Finch of Albion, who doesn’t believe the mayor’s claims that the nude photos published online are doctored.

Hadick believes most village residents support him and he just wants to do the job he was elected to do.

“We need to work together as people, common people, and not divide each other. That’s all we’re doing is dividing,” said Hadick.

One village board member also asked Hadick to step down, but the majority of the board still supports him. Another trustee told R News off-camera that Hadick's drinking and driving conviction was a simple mistake and that Hadick has apologized, and should be allowed to continue.


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